NO Way, it can't be....My Journey

My journey started September 13, 2013 after returning from a wonderful vacation visiting my sister in California.
I had my yearly mammogram this day and after having my imaging, I was told to wait in the waiting area. The tech came to me and said we needed to do additional imaging. Afterward, I was told to sit tight while the Radiologist reviewed the additional images. About 15 mins later, a Tech came back to tell me the Radiologist wanted to do an ultrasound. I was a little scared by this point. My ultrasound was completed and I was told it looked good. The Radiologist told me that I needed to see a Breast Surgeon and have a wire localization with a surgical biopsy. I also was told that 90% of the type of micro-calcifications I had were benign and only 10% malignant (aka cancer). I was able to see the Breast Surgeon 10 days later and my wire localization and surgical biopsy took place two weeks after seeing the breast surgeon. I waited a week for my results and received a call from a Nurse Practitioner telling me I had breast cancer. I was shocked. I couldn’t even understand all that she was saying to me. I had to get my composure and call back. My mind was spinning. I was able to be seen in Clinic the following Monday by my Breast Surgeon and the Radiation Oncologist. The next couple weeks I had time to think about things and make my decision. Within three weeks, I underwent a simple mastectomy of my left breast and a sentinel node biopsy.
My situation is far more complicated due to being born with a rare bleeding disorder Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia. The good thing is, my Physicians and nursing teams supported my decision all the way and got me through it thus far!

I was very stressed, on an emotional roller coaster prior to my surgery. My thoughts have changed in a more positive way and if I could say one thing, trust in your physicians, have faith and stay POSITIVE!!!

Sylvania, OH