No, not me!!!

At least that is how I used to think. Surprise, August of 2009 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Today, September 2010, I am a 9 month survivor. Because I am not 50 yet, and breast cancer is not in my family, my daughter can get it as early as age 35! I thank God and my family and friends, not to mention my doctor for my speedy recovery. If my doctor had waited till I turned 50 like most do, well, let's just say I don't even want to think of how things might have turned out. My tumor was so unusually large that it took more than 1 surgery to remove it along with 2 lymphnodes. With the loving support of family, friends and my doctor and receptionist, I am a proud survivor who is putting on fund raisers to help build our new radiation unit in the Niagara area so we do not have to travel an hour away on a daily basis. No longer am I ashamed or embarrassed of my body or my story. I want everyone to NOT think that it happens to everyone but you and to NOT wait till you are 50 to get a mammogram. Your life depends upon it. Breast cancer is the #1 leading cause of cancer deaths in women ages 15 to 54 and the #2 cause in women ages 55 to 74!!! Early detected breast cancer is 80% curable. 12.6 % or 1 out of 8 of all women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The older you get, the greater the chance of diagnosis. And yes, men get it too! PLEASE GET A MAMMOGRAM ASAP!!!