No lump, no symptoms but I had cancer

I never had a lump, never had any symptoms, but I had 10mm of Cancer growing inside my left breast.

It was my routine mammogram that was due and the nurse at my doctor's surgery called to make the appointment which may have saved my life. Had she not rung, who knows what may have happened.

I went along, had my appointment and thought no more about it until two weeks later when I got the letter to have more tests. Knowing it was just standard practice, I went alone. I had another mammogram and it showed a tiny blip on one shot only so they did an ultra sound. From there a biopsy. As she put the needle in, she knew, and told me there and then she suspected it was a cancer.

I blubbed a little, just from the shock of the C word but was grateful that I had the extra time to think about it while my test results were confirmed.

Two weeks later, the lump was removed and 5 weeks after that, I started 15 rounds of radiotherapy. Because it was small and caught really early, there was no need for chemo or hormone therapy, and for this I will be forever grateful!

I am happy and healthy, and glad to be alive! Thanks to the nurse who called me that day to book my appointment. If you have not been checked yet and you are due, just go and get it done.

Linda Coles
Auckland, New Zealand