Never Too Young To Get It

My partner discovered a small lump on my right breast and sent me to the doctor right away. I worked at a casino in Reno Nevada. I was 21 years old. We had excellent medical coverage. The doctors did a mamogram right away and said they would call me next week. I got a call that same afternoon telling me to come in the next morning. I suddenly got scared because they wanted me back right away! I went in and the young doctor was very nice and told me he was going to remove the lump and would take as little tissue as possible, but if he needed to take more (or the whole breast) he would wake me up first and talk to me about it. He never mentioned the "C" word. I was scheduled for surgery the next day. He asked me if I had any children and did I have a reliable "female" person to take care of them while I was recovering. He was concerned and wanted to be sure they would be safe while I was in the hospital. He was extremely caring. When I woke from surgery the next day he was there reassuring me that everything was fine and "the margins were free and clear". I did not need any follow up treatment. I had a drain tube in my breast for a few days. Most people can't tell my right breast is slightly smaller than the left. Soon I went back to work and I was fine. But I always remembered that caring doctor that took care of me. About 11 years later I was feeling really bad for several months and finally went for a check-up with my mother to her doctor in the Oakland Bay area. A pap smear showed carcinoma- in- situ. I had cancer again! After a vaginal hysterectomy I recovered quickly and felt better than ever, no longer hemorrhaging every month with horrible cramps. That was about 22 years ago and so far so good! I believe early detection is the key to recovery. Get checked!

Los Banos, CA