Never Miss Your Mammogram Screening

I had just come home from holiday and on checking my mail realised I had missed my three year screening appointment. I briefly thought about putting off making another appointment but that angel on my shoulder made me make the call. I got a second appointment, had the mammogram on the due date and a week later got a letter asking me to go to the Screening Centre for a follow-up mammogram. I feared the worst and I was right. I had triple negative breast cancer. The tumour was too deep to be felt by manual examination and there were no outward signs or symptoms. The tumour could only be found by mammography!! I subsequently had a lumpectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I don't know what the future holds for me as there are no drugs for triple negative, only treatment is chemo and radiotherapy, but my future would have been a lot less positive if I had not made that call . Mammography saved my life. On a lighter note I had an excuse to buy a bright pink jacket to show my support for all cancer sufferers. Yes there has been tears and dark moments but there has also been lots of laughter and fun. My greatest worry was how big a hat could I get for my son's wedding which was 6 weeks after my last treatment. I didn't wear a wig. I wore my baldness like a badge of honour for the battle I was fighting. I won the battle and am still fighting the war.I have great love and support from my family and friends even from staff where I do my regular shopping. People are so kind and caring. In the words of the song "I will survive". Strength and peace to all.

rita mitchell
glasgow, United Kingdom