I was doing my monthy breast check when I discovered a small lump next to my rib cage. My mom had a radical mastectomy at 38. I was 42. I placed a call to my doctor she could not feel anything. I was so sure there was something there she sent me for a mamogram. Nothing showed up on the mamo. I insisted we go the next step. I was sent for an ultrasoud. Again, the test showed nothing. Next step was to have a biopsy. I went to see the surgon, she has learned to trust her clients know their bodies. On November 11, 1999 the area I indicated was removed. When she called with the results, she had tears in her voice and said to me " I can't believe I am telling you this, but you were right. we found cancer." I was not surprised. I returned for a lumpectomy and was given temoxiphen with no cemo or radiation. They felt due to the size of the cancer and the fact that I was only 42 I was better off not doing any additional treatment. I am now going on my ten year anniversary and am so grateful that I stuck to my guns and insisted in removing the lump. Had I not, who knows. It is quite possible I would not have been here to share in walking our daughter down the isle and any other wonderful things God has in store for me and my loved ones. No matter what, trust your gut and don't take no for an answer if you feel there is something that needs to be addressed concerning your health don't stop until you are satified of the results.
Angel Blessings to you all.
Beverly, MA