Never a Doubt

My name is Cynthia and my journey started in January 2014. In self examination I felt a hard mass in my left breast. I knew it was cancer before diagnosis, however, me and my girls were celebrating our 60th birthdays with a trip to South Africa in March, so I chose to wait till I returned to have it checked. Upon return from this awesome trip, I went to my PCP and told her about the mass. She sent me for mammogram immediately, and needle biopsy which confirmed my suspicion. When they told me that I had breast cancer, my response was "I know, now let's get it out". My Oncologist had to laugh. Not surviving never entered my mind. I had a 60th birthday party with a DJ, dance instructor and the whole nine yards. I knew the rest of the year was going to be rough. I endured 8 rounds of chemo. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. It took me down to a level I never knew. Losing my hair was not trauma to me. Hair will grow back and I kind of like this new style. I survived and celebrated the last round in August. I had a lumpectomy and bilateral breast reduction in October. Something good comes out of every aspect of life. I had humongous Boobs and was more than happy to give up 2/3 of them. I am now scheduled to have 33 rounds of radiation and I will be done. My God is Awesome. My hair is growing back beautifully and I wake up every mornng praising God for being here and for feeling better than I every have. I think sometimes we have to go through something to appreciate what we sometimes take for granted.

Cynthia Flowers
Atlanta, GA