NBC's 9News in Denver saved me

I had no reason to believe I'd ever get cancer of any kind - let alone breast cancer. However, when 9News (Denver's NBC affiliate) starts talking about BuddyCheck 9 every month, I tend to listen. BuddyCheck 9 reminds you to do a self-breast exam and asks that you enlist a friend.

So, on April 9th of this year (2010), I did my self-breast exam and felt a lump. I have no family history of breast cancer and am generally a pretty healthy woman. When I felt the lump, I immediately called everyone in my family... Apparently, we are a “cyst-y” bunch, so that’s what I figured it was, but still made an appointment to see my doctor. The doctor also thought it was a cyst, but recommended a mammogram, “just in case.”

I was scheduled for the mammogram on May 8th. By May 13th I was diagnosed with stage 2/3 breast cancer.

The past six months have been the hardest of my life. I’ve gone through six rounds of chemo and have had two surgeries. Next week, I’ll start radiation. But, I’m happy to say, I’m cancer free! I will now get to see my two little boys (ages 4 and 2) grow up, graduate and get married. Who knows how long it would’ve been before myself, or my doctor, would’ve noticed the growing tumor in my breast without the BuddyCheck 9 reminder and subsequent mammogram.

Boulder, CO