My worst nightmare came true....

Hi! My name is Dot .... September 2014 I found a lump in my right breast went to see my doctor who sent me for mammogram and ultrasound after that was told I would have to have a biopsy which was done on 9/26 and I got the call on 9/29 it was Invasive ductal carcinoma ER/PR and Her2 positive and because of the size of it they are saying Stage 2....I cried...OH how I cried....My Mother died of breast cancer in 2006...she had a long hard fight....I miss her terrible.... she had found something in her breast...but ignored it for a long time....and when she finally said something she was already Stage 4....she had chemo radiation and a radical mastectomy....lived another 10 years cancer free...then it came back with a vengeance in her lungs liver and bones....and took my dear Mother..... she was first diagnosed at age 50..... but they said her cancer probably began when she was about 44.....well I had feared my 44th birthday coming since I found that out.....GUESS WHAT...I turned 44 on 9/16!!! BUT I found my lump and immediately had it checked and they have made sooo many advances in breast cancer care....and have THE BEST doctors taking care of me....and an incredible amount of support behind me. It is going to be a long road Chemo first to shrink then surgery then more chemo and radiation and hormone therapy.
I have a wonderful husband and 4 beautiful children...Merri 17 Alli 10 Tori 8 and Cole 6 I NEED to survive because of them....I WILL survive because of them!!! I also have 5 sisters and a brother who have been fierce in their support!!! oh my goodness you would think they were fighting my fight for me.... I also have an INCREDIBLE ARMY of friends who have also been fighting this fight with me...I am so thankful for all the support I am getting...It helps so much to know I am not alone...and it helps me to keep a positive attitude!!
I can and will beat this!!! I have to!!!

Dot Chuckran
Brockton, MA