My Story

It was in March 2012, I was brushing my teeth when I experienced a sharp pain in my right breast & my right arm. The pain radiated down my arm. After I showered, I noticed my breasts were tender and swollen, but the right breast was bigger than the left and I could feel a lump. I also noticed my nipple appeared to be sunk in. I made an appointment to see the doctor right away and was treated for a breast infection called Mastitis. I was prescribed antibiotics and told to follow up if there was no change.
There was absolutely no change so my doctor ordered a diagnostic mammogram & ultrasound. Both tests came back "highly suspicious of malignancy." I was 37, never had a mammogram and had no family history of breast cancer. This could not be happening to me. I was preparing for my son's high school prom and graduation! I kept the news from my children.
I was sent to a surgeon for a needle biopsy that confirmed breast cancer. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma was the diagnosis. Somehow, my hubby and I were able to keep the news from our kids until school was out and our son's graduation celebration was over.
I was then referred to an oncologist for staging & treatment. The cancer had spread to my lymph nodes and bones. I will never forget the day I was told my cancer was stage 4.
During this time, we were able to meet our two precious granddaughters for the first time. We had no idea we were grandparents. This was wonderful for our family. I have had months of chemotherapy, a bilateral mastectomy surgery and numerous radiation treatments. I lost my hair, have radiation burns and scars,etc.
2 years later, I am currently in treatment & will be the rest of my life. I have the love and support of my family. My husband & family have been by side. Praise God!
If you notice any changes in your breasts, consult your doctor immediately. Early detection saves lives.
Get your mammogram!

Humble, TX