My Story

On January 28, 07 I was in the shower and decided to do a self breast exam. At age 29, I only did self breast exam every once in a while. I had just had my second daughter. My husband and I thought that the lump was from just having a baby. The following day, I was able to see my medical provider. After he examined me, he told me that he need to refer to the Susan G Koman Center for a mammogram. I asked if he thought that it was breast cancer. He stated " age 29 & no family history, why would you be the 1 in a million. Well I guess that I am the one in a million. After the biopsy on February 9, 07 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer Stage. That will be a day that we will never forget… it changed our lives forever!
2007 was a long year for us. I had a double mastectomy, seven lymph nodes removed (all were clear of cancer), reconstruction, and four rounds of Chemo. Right after my double mastectomy, I was not able to hold or care for my daughters. My husband and I were lucky because we were able to rely on our families to help. To this day, I feel that my youngest daughter missed out. She did not have her mother holding her, bathing her, or caring for her after all my surgeries. I can not change the past however I can help change the future for other, including my girls. I will continue this fight against Breast Cancer.
I am very blessed to a wonderful husband, family and friends that supported me throughout these past three years. I thank God everyday for my husband, my girls, my family and my friends.

Pekin, IL