My Story

About a month after I miscarried twins my breast rapidly changed. Half of it was really hard and swollen. At first I thought it was an infection but after taking antibiotics it didnt get better.

Went back to the doctor and she sent me for mammogram immefiately. The radiologist did a biopsy the same day. That was on a Friday. On Monday I got the phone call while at work. I now know that I have cancer. At first I didn't want to tell anyone. I did not want to ruin their day. I knew I was going to tell people but I just needed time. The first day I told my husband and let us greive together. The next day I started telling family and friends. I was horrified that me, a healthy 36 year old with 3 children, had to bring such a shocking and devasting condition to the attention of others.

Eventually I came to terms with it. I have found out that I'm at stage 3b. I have to have four rounds of chemo and a couple other drugs. Then I am choosing to have a bilateral mastectomy. That should be in mid Feb. Then more chemo and radiation.

Needless to say I have had a rough year. It will only get better from here! Family and friends and my "sisters in pink" will always be here to help.

Monica Merryman
Deerton, MI