My Story

Late in 2012, I noticed I had a painful lump in my left armpit area. It wasn't getting any better, so I made an appointment to see my family Dr. I had a mammogram the day after seeing my Dr. That is when I found out I had a lump in my left breast under my nipple, and 2 lumps in my left armpit area. A biopsy was done on all 3 lumps that day, and a week later I found out that I had breast cancer. A few days later after a PET scan, I learned that the cancer had spread to my spine, my liver and my uterus. I was a Stage4. I was scared to death, but I had to be strong. I didn't want my family to know I was fearful. I told them and all my loved ones that I would fight like crazy and never give in, I would win this battle. Saying this made me stronger. I kept a positive attitude and never looked back. I started chemo right away. I had terrible reactions to chemo. My hands and feet swelled, got feverish, and then blistered and peeled with each treatment. It was very painful, but I took it one day at a time. After chemo I had mastectomy surgery with reconstruction started.. After having some time to heal, I had 6 weeks of radiation. I had my first clean scan in August of 2013. No cancer! My second clean scan was in March of 2014. I am a survivor! I am here sharing my story giving hope to those that think they have none. I want all of you to know that cancer is not a death sentence. Stay strong, and never give in and never give up!

Jayne Wilson
Lamar, CO