My Story

I had missed a few mammograms, due to whatever reasons, but I promised my husband that I would have a physical this year...2010. I went in Aug. 2010 for my Mammogran and was called back for another image. From there, was told I needed a boipsy.. Probably wasn't anything, so I really didn't think that much about it. I was scheduled for a sterotactic biopsy on Aug. 30th. I could not believe when I was told I had cancer. DCIS in the right breast. It is small calcifications that were scattered all throughout the breast. I went for an MRI for the left breast and was told the areas looked the same. Needless to say, they sent me to an Oncologist and I was told I needed bilateral mastectomys... I had never been so shocked, or overwhelmed in my life.. I had the double mastectomys on Sept. 22nd, 2010 and started reconstruction surgery right away. My plastic surgeon is wonderful and has made this event beareable. Because of the type of cancer, no radiation, or chemo was needed..just removal. Praise God!!! I am going back to work tomorrow, Dec. 13, with final implant surgery in January of 2011. The reconstruction was, and is hard to go through. I still feel like it is so much better than going through all of the treatments. My wonderful husband has been with me through the whole ordeal. He goes to every appointment and will continue to give me strength and courage through the rest of the procedures. Ladies, Mammograms are a MUST!! My cancer was found by Mammogran, no lumps,etc...Please schedule your appointments!

Gaffney, SC