My story

Hi, my name is Monica Abilay. October 5th, '12 I found a lump above my right breast. Prior to that I had woman issues for the last 5 years which none of the Dr.'s I went to see could figure out. I have been on every meds & creams that U could possible think of. On top of that I had no insurance.....a friend of the family who was a Dr agreed to help me out. After the exam Dr told that I needed to get a mammogram and they would cover it for me. Jus so happen it was open enrollment for me husband's job and I was able to get covered under him. So after the mammo, biopsy, & more test it came back positive for cancer. In November we did two lumpectomy and removed my lyphnodes on the right side. December we put in the port for chemothrapy & started treatment. Chemo went till April '13.......we removed the right side breast in June and started radiation & tamoxifen in August. We did a CT Scan which came back all clear. In May of this year we started the reconstructive process Delayed trams flap and in July we did the 2nd part (removing from my tummy and reconstructing the breast). I am a mother of four beautiful children, a wife to my husband Ronnie, a sister, & a daughter. Through out the last two years I kept a positive attitude knowing that breast cancer is curable!! October will make 2 years since being diagnosed......I'm living life to the most so I can be a mother to my children & wife to husband. This is my story........Monica Manulani Abilay

Wailuku, HI