My Story

In 2006 I discovered a lump in my breast while doing a self exam in the shower. It was very hard, movable, and large (felt like a marble). I waited months and months to see if it would go away by itself. It didn't so I made an appointment with my doctor. After several ultrasounds and one very painful biopsy they discovered it to be a benign tumor, but the radiologist said there is one more under my breast tissue and we would have to wait for it to surface. They could not biopsy it because they could puncture my lung. On February 21, 2007, I had my benign tumor surgically removed. I still have a very obvious scar. Breast cancer/breast health problems do not run in my family. I am the first person in my family to have any sort of breast tumor. I know that it could have been worse and I just have to keep a close eye to see if the other lump surfaces. I strongly support any foundation which donates money to aid in the research of cures for breast cancer. It was a very hard time in my life, very emotional time. I am so lucky to have gotten through this to find out that I did not have cancer and I have wonderful family members and friends who stuck by my side, went with me to the doctor appointments, and let me cry on their shoulders. I urge everyone to get a yearly mammogram if you are over the age of 40 and at least once a week do a self-breast exam. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!

Rebecca Wright
Pensacola, FL