My story thus far

I was diagnosed the Tuesday after Memorial Day 2014 with Stage 1 Breast Cancer. I had my very first mammogram May 9,2014 and then was asked back for needle biopsies on both breasts. After the biopsies I waited a week before calling for my results as I hadn't heard anything. I was told they would call when the results came in so I waited another week. After which I called and was told the results were negative. The following day I received a call that the doctor wanted to see me. I had to wait until after the holiday in which I went in to see the doctor and was told my left breast was clear but the right was positive for cancer. I was scheduled for a lumpectomy on July 3,2014 where I found out my tumor had grown into Stage 2A. I also tested positive for having no hormone receptors so it makes me Triple Negative and requires I have both chemotherapy and radiation. I am currently through 4 of 6 chemotherapy treatments. I am due to have my last one on November 17,2014. I urge ALL women to have their mammograms and to ask for the results. Don't just assume no news is good news as if I had done that my cancer would have been missed. I am thankful for everyone who has supported me in my journey and I look forward to a new year of being cancer free.

Amy Dundon
Glens Falls, NY