My story of my journey

My journey started in April, 2009 and I was 59 years old. I had my yearly mammogram as I have had for many years before. My family doctor called and said something was suspicious and I needed to go back and do another mammogram and ultra sound. The next day I was doing just that. A few days later my doctor says I need to send you to a surgeon for a biopsy. A few days later, I did just that and deep in my heart I knew what it was and my worse nightmare began when I got the call a few days later that I had breast cancer. If that was not enough, 4 days earlier, the bank I worked for was closed and my job was gone. The tumor was very small and the oncologist surgeon was going to do a lumpectomy until my MRI showed two more small tumors that the mammogram did not discover and we chose to do a masectomy of the left breast and results being Very early Stage 1. I had surgery again in August 2009 to remove all lymph nodes as a precaution and begin reconstruction. Unfortunately I developed lymphedema in that arm . I did not have to have any chemo or radiation so I was a lucky one that only had to take Arimidex for 5 years which in June of 2014 I will celebrate my 5 year anniversary of cancer free. I thought I would be done but my oncologist whom I trust so deeply is putting me on 5 years of tamoxifen. I have had a rocky road since 2009 with the breast cancer, reconstruction and the lymphedema but there is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God above for all the doctors who brought me through this and my family who gave me a reason to stay strong. Please always get mammograms and never ever doubt the good Lord above. If he brings you to it he will bring you through it as a better and stronger person.

Palm Bay, FL