My story of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

Right after New Years I went to the emergency room with a terrible pain in my stomach. After tests I had a large ovarian tumor. I had to have surgery to remove the basketball size tumor plus a hysterectomy. After the pathology report there was no cancer. I was so lucky. My daughter then said go and have a mammogram. I did of course I was called back for a 2nd mammogram then an Ultrasound I had a birad score of 5,which is 95 per cent chance of cancer. I was truely in shock after all I had just been through ! I was diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma. The good news was that I caught it early. I had a great surgeon who recommended a Lumpectomy followed by radiation. The surgery is completed and I'm now going though radiation treatments. If I wouldn't of had the Ovarian tumor I probably wouldn't have had the mammogram that saved my life.

Windsor Heights, IA