My Story of Breast Cancer

At 40, I had my first mammogram. One year later, age 41, I found a rather large lump protruding from my right breast. It was a 3.8 cm invasive ductal carcinoma, triple negative, Stage 2A. When they told me I had to have 8 rounds of chemo and 35 radiation treatments, I truly thought "I cannot do this". I had no family history and really didn't know much about breast cancer and felt frightened beyonds words for myself and my daughters. I had a lumpectomy at the recommendation of surgeons, chemo and radiation. I have a terrific loving group of family and friends, together with my faith in God, that picked me up and carried me through. I do not take this for granted.. At times, it was still is a lonely road because I felt I had to keep my fears to myself (I didn't want all of my loved ones, who were already doing so much for me, to be burdened with my fears). There were days when I did not want to go through another round of chemo, but I did, and I never gave up!

I am no hero, just an average woman who loves her family.

At 51, I was cancer free for almost 10 years when a 3D mammogram showed a very small tumor in the same breast. I wasn't as afraid because I knew whatever I had ahead of me, I could do this! It was triple negative again, less then 1 cm and I knew a shorter round of chemo would be recommended because of the type of BC. I decided to have TRAM surgery in April, 2014 and am at the home stretch - 1 more treatment to go. I gained so much strength that I didn't even know could be possible through breast cancer. The fear that I once had is long gone. I realize that we don't know what is ahead whether it be cancer or some other challenge. However, give back to those struggling and you will find purpose along this tough road. Keep moving ahead...

Mary Anne
Philadelphia, PA