My story is just beginning

I went for my 1st mammogram in October & they wanted to biopsy what they believed to be calcium deposits. I am 41 years old with a family full of cancer. Only one member a survivor. I didn't feel positive about what they would find. Day before Thanksgiving I had 2 biopsies done, that following Tuesday I was told I had stage 1 invasive breast cancer in the right breast. A week later I had a bilateral double mastectomy with reconstrucive surgery done. They found the tumor was larger than they thought & I was moved up to Stage 2 breast cancer. I see the oncologist on 1/8/14 to see if I need chemo. It doesnt seemed to of spread. I feel hopeful & scared. I lost both parents to cancer but I'm determined to survive! My husband & sons are my rock. I thank God for everyday i have. My journey has just begun.

Jamie Norris
Cherry Hill, NJ