My story - Donna

I turned 40 in April 2009
I had been sure feeing shoulder pain for a while due to an old injury but said to my dr can I have a mammogram as there is cancer in my family. She organised a date ( much to the displeasure of the clinic as I was TOO YOUNG )
I had the scan, had to have a biopsy and got a call back - Friday 13th November 2009
So first surgery December times 2 as it had grown fast since the diagnosis
Then the chemo, which I only managed 2 courses as it was making me too sick to have any more
Then radiation and a hysterectomy because my cancer was hormone fed
I turn 45 today - scarred but alive
I am waiting for reconstruction surgery to fix my "good boob" but I am happy... Alive... And ME

Beaudesert, Australia