My story-Deanna

In 2001 I had bilateral lumpectomies. I was told they were benign. I 2002 I had another lumpectomy in my left breast. Again, benign. 2003 another lumpectomy in my left breast. Benign...or so they kept telling me. In 2006 I had extreme changes to my left breast. I had pain, red areas, itching, bruising and a new hard lump that did not move. I was new to the Dean Health system in Wisconsin. I was not believed that something was very wrong and I fought so hard and I ended up losing my job also. There were two failed biopsies of the lump in my left breast (first report said inadequate sampling, second attempt-completely missed, imaging proved it and I could feel all of it.) I insisted on mastectomy because I did not feel well and the symptoms were progressing. My left nipple had inverted by this time.I lost my job. My insurance refused to pay for the mastectomy and reconstruction by I went ahead with the surgery. My surgeon told me, in front of a witness, that he removed the tumor and submitted it separately to the pathology lab, along with my remaining left tissue. The tumor "disappeared" and no diagnosis was given! No person was held accountable because they covered up the FACT that biopsies errors had been made previously. Soon after this, similar symptoms began in my right breast. I had bleeding from the nipple, itching, burning, redness and pain. I insisted on a mastectomy. DCIS was found in this breast. Second and third pathology opinions were done of the previous biopsies dating back to 2001 and those opinions proved that I had atypical ductal hyperplasia as far back as 2001 in both breasts! My state insurance ended before my reconstruction could be finished. Pray for me.....

Deanna C. England
Columbus, WI