My Son's Battle with Cancer.

It started shortly after Mark came home. He had been living in Canada for about 10 years and he came home. He was a very heavy smoker and had been since he was about 16 just like his father was. He died of lung cancer in 2006. Mark had been coughing a lot for a long time so I took him to the dr. she did an xray of his lungs and also a ct scan. the doctor to let us know that Mark had Stage 4 lung cancer. he immediately started Chemo and Radiation at the Cancer Center. They were so nice down there. I went with him for every appt and his chemo and radiation treatments. we got assistance so we could get an apt down there and be close to the hosp. he had chemo and radiation both 5 days a week and it was too far to travel every day, so we moved into an apt. next to the hosp. the first treatment made him real sick.. they put him into the hospital for several days. after a few days after he got out of the hosp. he started his treatments again. this went on till nearly Christmas last year. In the mean time he was in the hospital 4 times with pneumonia. they said he was more likely to get pneumonia with his lungs being compromised . he finally finished the treatments the end of Dec and we came home. I stayed with him the whole time he was getting treatment and when he was in the hospital. I slept in a chair every night right next to his bed. he wasn't getting any better and they put him on a morphine patch for the pain. On March 30th we were in the living room and he was on his bed sleeping and he started coughing and coughing up blood. it was horrible. he fell on the kitchen and died there before the paramedics could get here. it's been 9 months now and I stilll miss him like I did the day he died.

pembina, ND