My Sister

When my sister fist went to her GP with a lump in her breast, pre Chrismas last year, he said it was nothing to worry Christmas celebrations and well into the New Year, my sister went back to the doctor, due to the lump having changed and being more painful. After further testing, March this year, my sister was diagnosed with stage 4, triple neggative breast cancer, which had also spread to the lymph nodes in her kneck, chest and armpit. Initial diagnosis, wasn't good, although we all rallied and my sister has fought for six months through intensive chemo, undergone a mastechtomy and has 4 weeks of radiotherapy to get through. More Chemo may be needed after that. Again, the doctors have confirmed that the type of breast cancer my sister has, can not be cured, although they are overwhelmed at how well she is doing and have encouraged her to keep fighting. We are all so proud of her for the way my sister has approached her illness and make the most of every day. We don't know what the future will be bring, but we keep fighting and keep hoping for good news...

Midlands, United Kingdom