My sister

My family has been riddled with Breast Cancer. Back in the early 60's my mother died at age 32, leaving behind 4 children, twins 6, 7 & 8 years of age. She had returned from visiting her sister in California to assist her through her illness with Breast cancer, only to return home and be diagnosed with the same. My mother died within the year and her sister died shortly after in her mid 30's, leaving behind 2 children. Those were the only 2 children of my maternal grandparents and my grandmother, in part, died herself.
My sister was diagnosed in her mid 40's and with the advancement in medicine, her strong support circle and her positive approach and proper decision making, she is now a 10+ year survivor and going strong.
I would have loved to have known my mother and aunt, life would have been so different, but I thank God everyday I still have my sister, she is my true inspiration..
I love you Terry.

Karen Barsanti
Anchorage, Alaska

Karen Ann Barsanti
Anchorage, AK