My sister, Karen.

My only sister, Karen, died of breast cancer in 2004. She had a wonderful sense of humor and a quick wit. She was a floral designer and was very creative, she loved flowers. She was a wonderful sister and my best friend. Her cancer was found during a routine mamogram, which is why they are so important. She was cancer-free for nearly 5 years when her cancer returned in her bone and liver. She fought a valiant fight until she passed away quietly in the early morning of April 15th. At the exact time of her death, I awoke in my home as if someone had touched me and I knew instantly that she had departed this life and was there to say goodbye. During her illness, Karen taught us courage and restored our faith. We know that she now is free of the pain and suffering that this disease causes, she walks at the right hand of the Lord. Her first grandchild was born during the last stages of her illness and she was blessed to see her, she would have been the best grandmother. I miss her and think of her each day and know that one day, we will meet again. If you are reading this, please do your self examinations and get your mamograms. My mother was a breast cancer surviver until her recent death, she lived to be 87!

evans, GA