My sister is still battling breast cancer

My sister Tina Hunt found a lump in her breast about a year ago and come to find out it was cancer. She had the lump removed and thank god that she didn't have it in her lymph no-ids. Well she went through a strong chemo treatment and radiation and they thought that it would do the trick but guess what 1 month and half ago she started getting these bad headaches and she went to the doctor well he sent her home and told her it was a migraine's but it didn't seem to get better so she went to another doctor and he sent her for a ct scan on her head and they found to tumors on her brain. she had surgery on the largest one about 3 days later and they left the other one. She has the type triple negative breast cancer that usually appears in most African American women. She has a very aggressive breast cancer. She has been accepted in a trail version in Columbia South Carolina and just took her first treatment Monday . She is the strongest woman that i know. She is my oldest sister and she is just a jewel of a person, she is also a christian. She tells me this verse with god all things are possible. That verse is so true i know that we have a loving god and he will heal her of this terrible thing we call cancer. I hope that this story can help the cancer society because of all things we need in this world is love hope and a cure for cancer. I have moved to South Carolina to be here with my sister

Teresa Gilpin

Teresa Gilpin
South Carolina, SC