My second time

On 12-4-13 I had a mammogram, on 12-9-13 I had bilateral needle biopsies and ultrasounds done. On 12-11-13 I got the news that I have breast cancer, again. First time was in 1999, this time they didn't catch as early, now they're talking mastectomy and possible chemo. I find myself scared to death and angry cause instead of spending the holidays with my family I have in the back of my mind what this holds for me. I meet with the surgeon on 12-19-13, I'm scared to death.
And I think the worse part of all of this is that my dad is in the end stages of heart failure, how do I tell him I have cancer?
That and my 5 yr. Old grandson is a major part of my life, how do I tell him?
I have always been the head of the house and taken care of everyone else, what if I need some one to care for me, what then?

Des Moines, IA