My Second Battle With Cancer

Hi my name is Sherry Williamson. I decided to share my story, because today I was asked my story and I inspired her so much I thought maybe I could inspire someone who really needs to be inspired. My first diagnoses came in 2011 right after I broke my back in 5 places. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in that same month. My cancer was so aggressive that I had one lump in Oct and by Nov there was 8. Then in Dec it had spread to the lymphnodes in my left armpit and under my collarbone. When the decision came I chose to take both breast instead of one. I had a double mastectomy with left axillary dissection. I then followed with the most aggressive chemo and radiation. My health was so deteriorated I almost died in March 2012. But I fought hard, because my kids are my life and I'm all they got. I thought I was done with cancer, but in June of this year I found out I have stage 4 in the breast muscle, 9th rib and lungs. I have pain everyday not only from the cancer, but my other health issues. I have my broken back with nerve damage, fibromyalgia, a bad shoulder that needs surgery, cervical spondylosis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, lymphedema and so on. I was even told recently I may have MS, as I'm showing early signs. Regards of all that I'm facing with my financial burden, health and so on I feel that there's a reason for everything. I was asked "Why did God give you cancer?" I believe God didn't give me cancer. I believe there is a reason, whether it's to inspire someone or something else. I know that God will get me this. I get my strength from God and my two kids. I don't have any family besides my two kids and I have a limited amount of friends. Which means I don't have the support like most people do. So all I ask for is prayers when you read my story.

Sherry Williamson
Columbia Falls, MT