my rock my mom

10 years ago I was 40. I told my mom I was going for my first mammogram. She said she needed to go too. Unbeknownst to us after that dreadful day she was diagnosed with breast cancer. They did a lumpectomy and radiation and she was told she was good. She didnt have a good feeling and asked for her slides. She went with them to Sloan. She was told she still had cancer. More radiation and then a masectomy would follow. The night before the surgery she said bye bye boobie. What a sense of humor. String willed too. They took out her lymph nodes also. She told them to double her dose of radiation because she had to pick up her granddaughter at school. My mom was raised in an orphanage and raised three children by herself as well as helping me raise my daughter. She is sm inspiration to me and her tenacity and strength are immeasurable. Lucky not to have chemo. I thank God and my mom for saving herself. For all those who fight with trepidation stay strong and keep up and never give up hope. God bless you all!! And mom hands up to u and hats off for ur bravery. Love u p.s. Her name is Ann and she is a curly redhead like little orphan Annie and my hero!!

staten island, NY