My " PMA " Story

Advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I go in for my yearly Mamo and get called back. Oct 26, 2012 Those 4 Dreadful Words "You Have A Lump " and so my Journey began diagnosed with Stage II Breast Cancer the same day that my friend was diagnosed 6 years early & had just past. I felt her presence and belive she gave me my inner strength to stay strong and keep my PMA "Positive Mental Attitude". I went everyday to the Cancer Center 5 days a week for 40 treatments and befriended many in more serious conditions than me and that gave me the strength to come each day and Smile, Pay It Forward with conversation,Gifts of Chocolate to the ladies on Valentines Day, Margarita's to go on National Margarita Day and parting gifts for those who Rang The Bell Their last day of treatment. A Lady especially touched me she was withdrawn,angry I spoke everyday and one day she so emotional from blistering and in pain I bought her the Heart Pillow (beads inside you freeze) for comfort. From that day on she spoke to me and on my last day we sat waiting our turn and she said to me " I will Miss You, Everyone here Loves You, You are Always So Positive" She grabbed my hand as we both cried she said " You Truly Are An Angel On This Earth" I Rang the Bell for my last treatment and walked out that day and I GOT IT !! God knew I could handle this challenge and still Spread My PMA and Pay It Forward to those not so strong!! I just had a ALL CLEAR MAMO and Proud To Be A Survivor That Will Continue to Spread My PMA !!!!!

Kelly Myers
Manassas, VA