My nephew saved my life

I was 47 last year and was due for my annual mammogram but had put it off. My sister asked me to babysit my 3 year old nephew for 2 weeks, I was tired, but told her I would. He is a big boy and I pulled a muscle under my breast swinging him in the park. 2 weeks later, it was still hurting so I was in the shower and the muscle was still hurting. I raised my arm really, really high to feel the muscle, and there, almost touching my rib cage, was a knot. It felt like a dry pinto bean. It was extremely deep. The Next day I had a mammogram, biopsy and diagnosed with stage 1, HER2 + cancer. After a lumpectomy, 20 rounds of chemo and 36 radiations, I am now on the road to recovery because of my sweet nephew. God was in this the whole time, because my sister had tried to have children 14 years, and finally he came along. If I had not pulled the muscle, and it inflamed the tumor, who knows where I would be? I thank God for him everyday! I put my journey on Facebook and my aunt had not had a mammogram in 10 years, but because she kept up with me she went, and had breast cancer too! So hopefully I helped save a life, after my nephew saved mine. I am a Blessed woman!

Rhonda Steed
Cave Spring, GA