my nan

I clicked because my nan died of cancer at just 65yrs of age and back then they did not have all the resorces they have now my mum donates to cancer research as it has come along way since my nan died of cancer its such a shame really as I have friends and their nans are still alive and mine is not i dont really remember my nan but i can recall one memory when she was ill the cancer had got bad she was in bed an i came to see her i was about 6yrs old and she gave me this orange teddy bear which i still have today an after she died she left my family rosary beads each and medals each its such a shame she is not here now i miss her dearly and wish i new more about her but i no she is looking down on the family an would be proud of her daughter for bringing up 3 wounderful girls on her own and would be soo proud of her 3 grandaughters and i believe she is looking after us always sharing our lifes sharing the memory of wen my sisters baby Grace came into the world and she was a miracle as my sister could not give birth natually and she had 2 wombs so each time she got pregnant she sadly misscarried but then she had mirical Grace an i believe that my nan sent her down from heaven for us

Tiffany Lacey
Portsmouth, United Kingdom