My mother

13 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 2 my mother was
with me throughout most of my doctor's visits and subequent chemotherapy treatments so when we found out my mom had cancer I was with her for every doctor visit, chemotherapy treatment and trips to
M. D. Anderson cancer center I lost my mom a year ago to cancer. she
helped me get through my cancer stuff so I helped her get through hers.
right after my surgery to have a modified radical mastectomy of my right
breast the man whom would become my cancer doctor sent me to M. D.
Anderson cancer center and my mom was there when I saw the breast
cancer doctor whom was the one to recommend I take 6 months worth of chemotherapy. the docotor whom was my cancer doctor was also my moms cancer doctor he said she was the only woman in his care to live
for 7 years with her type of cancer which was Ovarian. everyone else under his care with the same disease died after a year or two.

Merryville, LA