My Mother - the Survivor

This isn't about me, I'm not the survivor here. I'm the supporter, the one who was even more worried than she was.
My mother is a spunky, crazy, beautiful and outgoing 56 year young woman. Of course, she's just as stubborn as her mother was, so my father and I had to push her to go to the doctors about the lump that was weirdly growing on the top of her right breast. She knew what it was from the start, so she wasn't even upset when the weeks went by and the doctor finally told her it was breast cancer. Although she wasn't upset, or mad or any of those negative feelings - I was. I was hurt, angry, and I just didn't understand why this would happen to MY mother. She was strong - we already knew that. We didn't need something else getting in the way of it.

A few more weeks went by, and finally the day was here. She decided to go with the total right mastectomy. She wanted the breast removed, and we completely respected her wishes so, that's what happened on Sept. 8th, 2014. Hours passed in the waiting room at OSU, but finally the doctor came out and told us everything went perfectly fine and that the lymph nodes came back negative! Best news EVER!
She's still recovering, and she's doing wonderful. I've never seen someone so strong before, and I'm glad that I can call her my mother.
Thank you to all of the doctors, and thank you to all those strong women, and men, out there who've fought this ridiculous battle!

Dakota Perry
Pataskala, OH