My Mother--My Shining Example for Life

My mother is 84 years old and is a two-time breast cancer survivor. She was first diagnosed in 1981, five months before my wedding. She had a radical mastectomy of her left breast. She worked hard at recovering from that very painful surgery and was there front and center at my wedding. Fifteen years later, just one short year after my father's death, she had breast cancer again and it had metasticized to her lung. She had never missed her monthly self exam nor her annual mammogram. It turns out the spot did show up the year before in her mammogram, but her doctor at the time ignored it (he doesn't practice medicine anymore--not because of my mother, but many other things with other patients). She had another radical mastectomy and two weeks later had a portion of her lung removed. Her recovery was long and painful. But after recovery, she went right back to work and didn't let it get her down. She worked until she was 74 years old. Her abiding faith in God and her wonderful spirit for life have never wavered in this journey. She inspires everyone she meets! She greets everyday with a positive attitude and a big smile and a hug for everyone. She continues to be the greatest role model any daughter could have and I love her very much!

Brenda Berry
Stockbridge, GA