My Mother - A Daily Inspiration.

2001, in Kingman, Arizona, my mother discovered a lump in her breast. A biopsy and lumpectomy was done---the tests came back malignant, and that her lymph nodes were also afflicted.

We were all struck numb. It was like looking at the world through a heavy fog. We couldn't believe that her life was threatened by breast cancer. However, my mother kept the illusion that she was uneffected. She was trying to be strong---trying to protect me.

We struggled for a long time trying to find help. She didn't seem to qualify for any financial aid for surgery or treatment. She was forced to borrow a very substantial sum from my father, and even though all the funds were paid back, it still looms over her head like an angry storm cloud. Finally, she also received small compensation from the Cancer Society.

The surgeon she had was a great man, and a wonderful doctor. A double mastectomy was performed, as well as several nodes. She struggled with the healing process---both physical and emotional. The pain relievers she was on never once even dulled the pain... and while she was thankful that the surgey was over, we all knew another challenge to a healthy life was on the horizon that would yet further test her endurance... if not her sanity: chemotherapy.

She suffered through the treatment, including severe chemical burns... Like most patients, she lost her hair and was incredibly sick, but, today she stands strong. Nine years later she is, for the most part, healthy. She never had reconstruction surgery, and she wears her scars PROUDLY---including her previous scar from having her thyroid removed due to cancer 23 years ago.

Mom: You are my DAILY inspiration. I love you.

Kittrick Brown
Longview, TX