My mom's battle with breast cancer

My name is Genny Willis, my mom Deanna Darbonne was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. She had 4 treatments of chemo and 36 treatments of radiation. She really suffered with the first round of chemo,but the last 3 weren't too bad. She went into remission and was diagnosed the next year on the other side. This time the tumor was so small they almost missed it. She only had radiation treatments this time. Then she went into remission again for 4 years. Then in June of 2007 she was diagnosed with acute leukemia that was caused from the radiation and chemo from the breast cancer. She was hospitalized for 4 weeks and given high doses of chemo. She was released from the hospital and told that the treatment had not worked and there was nothing more that could be done because the leukemia had spread too much. On August 25th she was put back in the hospital, this time would be her last. Pneumonia had started developing in her lungs, the only thing the doctors could do now was keep her as comfortable as possible. My mom lost her battle with leukemia caused by the treatment for breast cancer at 6:20p.m. Sunday August 26, 2007. My mom may have lost her battle but no matter how sick she was from the chemo treatment she never let it show and as tired as she was from it she never gave up. She had a family history of breast cancer. Her mother was also diagnosed with cancer years ago and had to have a mastecomy. I pray everyday for a cure, not only for breast cancer, but for all cancers. May everyone that has lost their battle rest in peace.

Genny Willis
Eunice, LA