My Mom

My mom was in Oklahoma taking care of her dying mother when something in her body was telling her something is wrong. Knowing her mother needed her she put herself on the back burner. My nanny passed that same year and 2months after my mothers father followed. Mourning the loss of both parents and truely deprressed she finally went to get tested she was already stage 2. After several bouts of chemo and radiation thing were looking up. So she carried on with her normal life taking care of my dad that worked 3rd shift and his 80 yr old mother. She went years with no signs or symptoms until 2013 when momma felt another knot she went back and this time it was stage 4 bone breast cancer. At this point the doctors have told her its the end it has spread over 80% of her body. The woman that raised 4 children helped raise 8 grandchildren lost her battle on her birthday January 12, 2014. She will be missed and forever loved.

cascade, VA