My Mom, The Warrior

My mother, my best friend, was diagnosed with breast cancer (IDC) in February on this year. It was a complete shock as we have no family history of BC. She also had had her annual mamogram almost a year to the day prior to the discovery. She found the lump while performing a self-exam in the shower, after noticing a dimple on her breast. She had 3 lumps. One the size of a lime, and two smaller ones. Within two weeks she was in surgery for a partial-radical mastectomy, followed by 6 rounds of chemo. Although she has lost a breast, all her hair, a great deal of weight and had an emergency appendectomy in the midst of all this, her strenghth and determination to beat this was like nothing I have ever witnessed. I love my mom, but I have never thought of her as being particularly strong or courageous. However, she has shown me what true courage looks like and what a 'warrior' she really is. She has been a huge inspirartion to me and all those around her. For support, (although it may have been more for me than her at times), I attended every 3-4 hour chemo session right along with her. Despite the severe side effects she experienced, she solidered on, taking one day at a time. This September, much to the amazement of her doctors, she was diagnosed "all clear" and got to forgo the 6 weeks (30 sessions) of radiation therapy they had planned for her. What a blessing! I praise all the people who donate their time, effort, and money for all the advances made in modern medicine and for keeping us educated on this dreadful disease. Keep supporting breast cancer research and do your monthly self-examinations. It may save your life!

Jill Andreatta
Bakersfield, CA