My Mom, the rock, the comedian

My mom was diagnosed at the age of 42 sadly, she had a very aggressive form of breast cancer and she passed away on October 1, 2007. Six long years I am sure to her, but short years for us left behind. She had a long battle and never once got down about it. She always kept her head held high and never once felt sorry for herself. She always had a sense of humor, and we cracked jokes throughout her treatment. It helped us become closer and to deal with what was going on. Never once would you see her cry, even in the end, she was making jokes. We are all somewhat relieved that she is no longer in any pain and that she can rest peacefully, though that does not make it any easier to let her go. I found a shirt tonight on-line that she would have loved; it said, "I'm having a NO hair day!"
Although she is gone, every year that I walk I will remember her, every time I hear Golden Earrings "The Twilight Zone" I will crank the radio and think of her. When the dogwoods come into bloom, I will smile and remember her. Moreover, when I lay in my bed at night remembering the good times we have had over the years I will smile, I might shed a tear or two, but I will smile because that is what she would have wanted me to do.

I miss her everyday, and everyday I try to live my life so that she would be proud of me. I love you mom!

Tiana Johnson
Madisonville, KY