My Mom, my Hero

My mom, Liisa, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer shortly after her 46th birthday. I remember vividly, me, the new cosmetology student, shaving her head, trying to hold back the tears while she laughed hysterically at the situation. My mom had some options in her treatment, and decided on a mastectomy with chemo to make sure it would never strike again. Along with that, she also chose to stay optimistic, have faith, and never let cancer keep her from doing what she loved.

Every other week, between chemos when the nausea would subside and her energy was up, my mom would be back on the soccer field, her haven. She was an inspiration to all, and demonstrated incredible strength, mentally, physically, and emotionally when she in no way had to. Her passion for the sport along with witnessing three other women on her team also battle Breast Cancer gave her the idea to found "Score for a Cure." This tournament is now a full-fledged non-profit, with participants from all walks of life and from all over the country. This April will be the 5th annual tournament, and my family just celebrated five-years in remission for my mom!

My mother continues to do wonderful things for so many people, organizations, and animals too! She is a woman that displays such courage, ambition, and always gives her whole-self to others, never pitying herself but overcoming the trials thrown at her. She has instilled in me that "everything happens for a reason" and I truly believe that. My mother is my hero, and someone for all to admire.

Amanda Singer
Plymouth, MA