My mom my hero

My mom is one of the strongest women I have ever met. I didn't realize how strong she was until October of 98. She was diagnosed with dreaded words in our family Breast Cancer!! We had all knew she had a battle to fight. Six years earlier we had lost my grandmother due to her breast cancer spreading to her bones. I knew how mom felt about hearing this news. She didn't let all of the family know right away. I was with her when the docter told her. I saw one of the strongest people in my life fall apart in front of me. Then in a second gather herself and look at me and tell me she would be fine and not worry! She was more worried about how I was taking the news than herself. I looked at her right then and told her she needed to focus on herself and we would get through this. She had her masectomy a week later and started her chemo right away. Something my grandmother had never been able to do. She finally got the news that she was in remission. About three years later my mom had got more bad news. She had found another lump in her other breast and yes again it was cancer. She was going to go through another surgery and chemo. No the first breast cancer did not spread it was a totally different primary cancer. After all that news the only thing my mother could say was that we will get through this one the same as the last! I am proud to tell you that the breast cancer did not defeat my mother. She is a true survivor and my hero! She has been cancer free for nine years!

Angela Frisbie
Chillicothe, OH