My Mom is My Hero!

Yesterday I turned 40. I broke up with my boyfriend the day and drove from Michigan to Texas non stop and had not slept in 2 days.I also found out my mom has Breast Cancer! When I got to her house she said she needed to tell me something and that it wasn't a big deal. I broke down and started crying. All she could say was that it will be fine and that she is just worried about me and my daughter who just turned 13. All I could do was cry. I do not have any insurance and have already had a lumpectomy a few years ago. I have not been to the doctor since because I had lost my job. My mom is my hero and the strongest woman I know and that is where is pull my strength from. God does not put more than you can handle on your plate and I pray he has a strong grip on my family right now. I will take care of what is on my plate and wait patiently for dessert! Chin up and Chest out!!
God bless....

April White
Dallas, TX