My little girls hero

Hi my name is Robin Abitanto. At age 37 I was diagnosed with DCIS. My personal choice was to be as preventative as possible while I'm lucky enough to have this chance, and take whatever route that would give me the most peace of mind. My decision was to have a bilateral mastectomy. I wanted to be Free of mammograms and long waiting periods of anxiety to get mammogram results. During this time I was also challenged by many other life crisis. I was going thru divorce, sold my house, started a new job and my sole responsibility of raising my daughter who was then 6. God has given me the strength to tackle thru this all. I am now 5yrs cancer free, beautiful new breast, engaged to a wonderful man I met along this journey,a super mom,a successful business woman. And an inspiration to many. I am my little girls hero.

Robin Abitanto
Toms River, NJ