My Lifelong Inspiration

My mom, Fran, has always had the most optimistic spirit and love of life. She is the rock of our family and sets such a great example of how to live your life to the fullest. She has participated in the senior olympics for 20 years and includes in her activites, tennis, basketball, softball and track. I often say if I could bottle that spirit and sell it, I would be a millionaire! Did I mention that my mom is 76?
Last year, mom whispered to me at my nephew's graduation that a small lump was found during her mammogram. It didn't even cross my mind that it could be cancer. The Dr. said wait 6 months and see if went away. She said check it now and they scheduled a biopsy but decided to remove it since it was could have blown us over with a feather when he said it was cancer. You know what her first question to the Dr. was? Can I still go the Senior Games nationals next month? She immediately scheduled to have margins and lymph nodes checked and all was clear. She went to the Nationals with her softball team less than 3 weeks later and then started radiation.
I am so proud of my mom and how she lives her life with such enthusiasm and hope and finds joy in the most simple things in life. She and dad are aways on the go and don't sit back and let the grass grow under their feet. I feel as if I must be the luckiest person on earth to have been blessed with her as my mom and best friend. Thank you God for my special mom. We know that breast cancer cannot and will not dampen her spirit.

Jackie Allison
Youngsville, NC