My Last Radiation - Stage 4 cancer - IBD

One the day of the Boston Marathon Bombing I had a mammogram/sonogram and was told it was fine, but my breast had become deformed. I knew it could be breast cancer, my mother and her sister died of breast cancer. My tests were fine, my breast was enlarged and swollen, with no lump. The surgeon told me I might have IBD, Inflammatory Breast Disease. I was elated, It is very rare, only 3% of cancer are IBD, it is more prevalent in obese women, and is estrogen related. But my breast was identical to the diagram on the American Breast Cancer website. I was referred to a surgeon, he told me it was treatable. I had a biopsy, which came back revealing I had IBD on the outside of my breast, but a low grade of breast cancer on the inside, with cells were barely moving. I went to the oncologist and had a PET scan, with chemo on May 30, 2013, for 3 months, with another 6 weeks of a stronger dose. After the chemo was over, I had a PET scan and the oncologist was elated. I was cancer free! I continued the Herceptin and 3 weeks later after my last chemo I had a masectomy. My lymph nodes were not involved, the surgery was easy and 3 weeks later I started radiation. I developed an infection, the radiation was difficult, it took me 5 months instead of 7 weeks! I finished radiation 2 weeks ago, am having Herceptin until August 4, My breast area is slowly healing but it is going to take some time. My last radiation was big because of the infection. Just wanted to share.

Barbara Kissel
Cortland, NY