My Journey

My journey began in October 2007. I found a lump in my left breast. Ihad a biopsy of the lump. When I woke up in recovery the surgeon said it was an encapsulated tumor and that he had removed it. I received a call from the surgeon to say that the biopsy had come back positive for cancer.I called Dr. Beth DuPree and I was scheduled to meet with her the next week.
When my husband and I met with Dr. DuPree with were so impressed and much relieved that I would be in such good hands. We found out at that time that the surgeon who had done the biopsy had not done clear margins or checked the lymph nodes. My next surgery was January 2008. Unfortunately, one lymph node tested positive. So now I had to have chemotherapy as well as radiation.
I began chemotherapy with Dr. Reilly in February. It was decided that I would not teach the rest of the school year. I watched my baby granddaughter while out of work. I have to say Emily was my inspiration during this time. I looked forward to seeing her little smiling face each day and was busy taking care of her instead of thinking about my situation.
. I went back to teaching in September of 2008.
However, my journey did not end there. In April of 2012 I began getting pains and a burning in my stomach at night that would last for about 2 hours and then go away. It turned out I had lesions on the liver and bones.
After a consultation with Penn it was decided I would have chemotherapy again with Dr. Reilly and his amazing staff. .
I have had my chemo treatments changed and am doing better.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful support system with family, friends, doctors, nurses, and my fantastic Metafriends group.
Always keep as positive as possible, this makes such a difference.

Linda Ordini
Ewing, NJ