My Journey

I was diagnosed Aug 04 2010 early stage 3 breast cancer, I have just started my journey of chemo. I'm an extremely lucky girl that my partner had made me feel important enought to go and have a mammogram I had no idea that I had a problem he had noticed a dimple and thought how do I make her go without causing her too much alarm. So how lucky am I?? In Australia at 50 we are entitled to free mammograms so he used my birthday as an excuse to have it done!! He said Rembrandt had painted a woman back in the 1600's Bathsheba and he believes this woman had advanced cancer, I'm very lucky to have had an observant partner!! I am a myotherapist and started studying Oncology Massage to help people step up to the challenge, I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd have to step up, but in saying that how well does this journey equip me to help others!!

Melbourne, Australia